AXYZ - 028129 High Capacity Pressure Foot - ACM - Nose Rider/Blue Glide Donut AXYZ - 028129 High Capacity Pressure Foot - ACM - Nose Rider/Blue Glide Donut

SKU: 28129
High Capacity Pressure Foot
  • AXYZ
Description Description

A new High Capacity Pressure Foot packaged designed specifically for those cutting ACM and/or using our PanelBuilder Solution. This is a direct replacement for part number PF-E-H-S-Z-NR.

The High Capacity Pressure Foot will fit on both ELTE and HSD spindles of all sizes. It is specifically developed to operate with a 21G or 7G tool change system. When used in conjunction with the High Capacity Pressure Foot, the Nose Rider Collar ensures the cutting tool is set to the exact depth required for consistent cutting. While the Blue Glide Donut is unique and highly durable, designed specifically to reduce friction by 90% allowing for smoother and faster cutting. 

This product includes: 2 x short vertical hose, nose rider, blue glide donut and spindle support brackets.


Single piece casting ensures trouble free assembly and disassembly.
  • New fixings secure the hose to the spindle to avoid any interference with machine operation.
  • A reconfigured orientation of the hose prevents unnatural bending and offers improved chip extraction.
  • Dedicated fittings for the Unist Mister ensures accurate and more consistent application of coolant and lubricant to the cutting tool.
  • Can be retrofitted to existing machines subject to specification


  • A new High Capacity Pressure Foot packaged designed specifically for those cutting ACM and/or using our PanelBuilder Solution. This is a direct replacement for part number PF-E-H-S-Z-NR.

    The High Capacity Pressure Foot will fit on both ELTE and HSD spindles of all sizes. It is specifically developed to operate with a 21G or 7G tool change system. When used in conjunction with the High Capacity Pressure Foot, the Nose Rider Collar ensures the cutting tool is set to the exact depth required for consistent cutting. While the Blue Glide Donut is unique and highly durable, designed specifically to reduce friction by 90% allowing for smoother and faster cutting. 

    This product includes: 2 x short vertical hose, nose rider, blue glide donut and spindle support brackets.


    Single piece casting ensures trouble free assembly and disassembly.
  • New fixings secure the hose to the spindle to avoid any interference with machine operation.
  • A reconfigured orientation of the hose prevents unnatural bending and offers improved chip extraction.
  • Dedicated fittings for the Unist Mister ensures accurate and more consistent application of coolant and lubricant to the cutting tool.
  • Can be retrofitted to existing machines subject to specification
