AXYZ - 028636 Zoning Modbus Rev.600 AXYZ - 028636 Zoning Modbus Rev.600

SKU: 28636
Zoning Modbus
  • AXYZ
Description Description

The Zoning Modbus controller operates on the A2MC Modbus network and has several uses. It is used to operate either dual or triple vacuum manifolds. It is also used to operate vacuum hold down zones and pop up pins.

Note that these boards need to be set for the correct Modbus address. Contact AXYZ service for assistance: 1-833-CNC-SRVC.

The Zoning Modbus is located in the zoning electrical box as shown.

The Zoning Modbus controller operates on the A2MC Modbus network and has several uses. It is used to operate either dual or triple vacuum manifolds. It is also used to operate vacuum hold down zones and pop up pins.

Note that these boards need to be set for the correct Modbus address. Contact AXYZ service for assistance: 1-833-CNC-SRVC.

The Zoning Modbus is located in the zoning electrical box as shown.