AXYZ - 24341 Subconsole LCD Display AXYZ - 24341 Subconsole LCD Display

SKU: 24341
LCD Display
  • AXYZ
Description Description

The 2 Lince LCD screen is used to repair the display on a subconsole. If a subconsole has been dropped the part most likely to have been damaged is the display.

When servicing this component it is recommended to replace the cable (PN 20869) and the ribbon cable (PN 24339) at the same time.

The 2 Lince LCD screen is used to repair the display on a subconsole. If a subconsole has been dropped the part most likely to have been damaged is the display.

When servicing this component it is recommended to replace the cable (PN 20869) and the ribbon cable (PN 24339) at the same time.